Choose a Sponsorship
Avenger Sponsorship Starting at $5,000.00

Sponsor benefits:
- Resource Table at Walk (2 Tables / 4 Chairs)
- Verbal Recognition at the event, thanked on social media & newsletter
- Special electronic sponsor badge to display on your website
- One (1) Walk T-shirt
- Logo on Walk Registration website
- Hero Plaque
- Logo on back of Volunteer shirt
- Special social media & newsletter blast highlighting your company announcing your sponsorship (over 15k)
- Prime location at Walk
- Logo will appear on Autism Society Inland Empire home page for 1 year (21k visits)
Cape Crusader Sponsorship Starting at $2,500.00

Sponsor benefits:
- Resource Table at Walk (2 Table / 2 Chairs)
- Verbal Recognition at the event, thanked on social media & newsletter
- Special electronic sponsor badge to display on your website
- One (1) Walk T-shirt
- Logo on Walk Registration website
- Hero Plaque
- Logo on back of Volunteer shirt
- Special social media & newsletter blast highlighting your company announcing your sponsorship (over 15k)
- Prime location at Walk
Incredible Sponsorship Opportunities Starting at $1,000.00

Sponsor benefits:
- Resource Table at Walk (2 Table / 2 Chairs)
- Verbal Recognition at the event, thanked on social media & newsletter
- Special electronic sponsor badge to display on your website
- One (1) Walk T-shirt
- Logo on Walk Registration website
- Hero Plaque
- Logo on back of Volunteer shirt
- Special social media & newsletter blast highlighting your company announcing your sponsorship (over 15k)
Superstar Sponsorship Starting at $500.00

Sponsor benefits:
- Resource Table at Walk (1 Table / 2 Chairs)
- Verbal Recognition at the event, thanked on social media & newsletter
- Special electronic sponsor badge to display on your website
- One (1) Walk T-shirt
Sidekick Business Sponsorship Starting at $250.00

Sponsor benefit:
- Resource Booth at Walk (1 Table / 2 Chairs)
Sidekick Non-profit Sponsorship Starting at $100.00

Sponsor benefit:
- Resource Table (1 Table / 2 Chairs)